MCX, photoshoot, Young Frankenstein, etc

So my high school reunion is coming up. Am I going?

Anyway lots to talk about from this weekend!!

Friday night Chase & I had tickets to go see Young Frankenstein at Elmwood Cemetery. Coolers were welcome so we packed up sandwiches and soup and camp chairs and headed down there. I thought it might be chilly at night by the time this rolled around by temps are still high here so the blanket I brought wasn’t necessary.

They set the movie up right inside the entrance.

And showed old commercials beforehand!

It was fun to watch with a crowd.

Last week I decided to throw together a quick Leia ring for the photoshoot. Drew out the shape in photoshop, printed it out, cut out pattern pieces, and made a base using worbla. Then went over it in apoxy clay. Epoxy clay? Apoxie clay? I have no idea. Whichever way you spell it, I didn’t get the mixture right, and it never hardened up, so Chase redid it for me the next night and got it painted. The “stones” are two painted buttons.

It’s not perfect but at least I had one for my photoshoot!

So Saturday morning we got up and got dressed to head over to MCX!

Did’t take a ton of photos. Walked around, looked at all the booths.

I got a cute new wallet!

After we’d kinda seen everything we headed out to grab lunch and go set up for the photoshoot.

After having been in the car twice and then sat on the couch eating lunch I had to re-iron the bottom of the outer dress. Unfortunately I didn’t realize how wrinkled the middle of the inner dress had gotten from sitting down… I didn’t notice it til I saw the pics after we were done 🙁 It looked pretty bad, I’m hoping maybe it’s not as bad as I remember. 🙁

Mon Mothma was next:

Medieval Leia:

Then an extra little fun thing while I had the buns on – I stole Kevin’s Luke costume.

Then we did a few quick shots of Disneybound Leia, and while I had that on, we got this set up:

I’ve been wanting to do this for aaaaaaages. Leia looking through her wardrobe.

Last up we shot Lucy – she went last because I had to redo my makeup.

On my IG story Chase did a breakdown of our white backdrop set-up. I saved all those and I’ll add them sometime soon!

Sunday we ran a few errands. I had some leftover dcon money and I finally got Sabine!

Just missing Scavenger Rey now.

So out of the costumes we shot on Saturday, so far I have Mon Mothma finished and uploaded:

So I’ll get her portfolio page updated sometime today hopefully.